ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) is becoming a global compliance and performance team. Investors, regulators, as well as consumers and employees are now increasingly demanding that companies should not only be good stewards of capital but also of natural and social capital and have the necessary governance framework in place to support this. Increasingly, there is a call for ESG reporting that captures all the non-financial risks and opportunities involved in a company’s/institution’s day to day activities. 

Why ESG cannot simply be a compliance issue

Stakeholder activitism is on the rise and Increasing scrutiny from stakeholders on how companies, institutions and governments are performing against their environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies and targets means the sustainability agenda must move simply compliance to a paradigm change matched with relentless intent. Furthermore, more and more investors are incorporating ESG elements into their investment decision making process, making ESG paramount from the perspective of securing capital, equity, and securing trade and investment gains.

Maddison Pine will be your partner on your ESG journey from building awareness to strategy and implementation. Our portfolio of ESG services includes:

  • Sustainability Framework Definition
  • ESG Strategic Prioritisation (We know how to eat an elephant)
  • Building Sustainability into Products and Services
  • ESG for All Training Programmes

For more information, please contact Cindy Eke on

“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi